2015’s Unmissable Films for Gents
Allow us to begin gents with a simple yet heartfelt apology. We could give all the excuses in the world as to why so many articles have been delayed, but mumbling excuses is not becoming of a gentleman; instead allow us to provide you with a reassurance that this will not happen again. Whilst we normally err on the side of the cynicism when it comes to New Year’s resolution and contempt of cliches such as ‘New Year, New Me’, we have made certain goals for the next 12 months that we are committed to reaching… Ok, we made some resolutions, and we will be sure to keep them.
Well now the awkward apology is out of the way, allow us to wish you all a Happy New Year and proceed with our first article of the year. We thought with it being the beginning of the year, we would look ahead at all the gems due out on the silver screens of 2015.
Kingsman: The Secret Service
So kicking off proceedings is this British, spy action film due out in early February. Now before you jump to conclusions, this has nothing to do with the legendary 007, but that is no reason to feel any form of disappointment or to be any less excited. The film is based on a comic book by the talented Mark Miller – if you are not too aware of Mr Miller, you may be more familiar with some of his other comics that have made it to the big screen, included ‘Wanted‘ and ‘Kick Ass‘, as well as having worked on a legacy of DC titles. Behind the camera is director Matthew Vaughn, who has directed films including ‘Layer Cake‘, ‘Kick Ass‘ and ‘X-Men: First Class‘ and in front of the camera is cast of solid actors that can be trusted to deliver. Colin Firth plays secret agent Harry Hart, Micheal Caine adopts an ‘M’ like role whilst Samuel L Jackson is set to play the villain. Not a shabby way to start the year.
Mad Max: Fury Road
Another film, another Miller. This time, George Miller – no relation to the above – has returned to bring another generation the joys of a dystopian future as we watch one man battle against a barren, destroyed world filled with murderous clans. Even more exciting is the notion of Tom Hardy filling Mel Gibson’s iconic role. The incredibly talented actor has starred in multiple blockbusters over the last few years, demonstrating his ability to fill a multitude of varying roles and has filled us with the confidence that he will be able to do the role justice. Due out in May, expect a film brimming with multiple explosions and stunning chase scenes from the get go.
Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens
Of course we could not create a list of upcoming films to look out for and leave Star Wars off. To say that for many, this transcends the realms of a normal film release and is instead a cultural phenomenon onto itself would in no means be an exaggeration. If we look at it, chances are you were not utterly blown away with the last three Star Wars films, but based on the love of a far away galaxy, you still went to the theatres and still soaked up every last second of them. This time will be no different; it is a labour of love.
That being said, there is a lot to get excited when we look beyond the fan boy Star Wars haze and examine what is happening behind and in front of the camera. In front of the camera, well known characters including Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill will be returning to race around the galaxy with a host of new stars joining the fray, including Domhnall Glesson (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2) and Gwendoline Christie (Game of Thrones). Behind the camera, J.J Abrams (Super 8 and Star Trek: Into Darkness) takes on the mammoth task of directing. We will only give one rule regarding this film sirs; do not , even for a second, consider attending in any costume relating to the film, especially if you are older than 10 years old and doubly so if you are over the age of 30.
A Hundred Streets
Leaving behind reboots, sequels and action for a moment, we highlight an upcoming British Indie film to keep an eye out for in 2015 which stars the immensely popular Idirs Elba (Luther, The Wire, Pacific Rim). The drama takes place in London and revolves around the lives of four individuals as they each live extremely different lives but all live within a mile of each other. Set to be a piece looking at modern day life in London, the film will be directed by Jim O’Hanlon (A Touch of Cloth) as his debut to the silver screen.
If you are looking for a departure from the comic fuelled films that 2015 is set to offer, we would certainly suggest you give it a watch.
The Sea of Trees
As little as three years ago, we would not have imagined in our wildest dreams that we would be suggesting to other gentlemen that a upcoming must watch film stars Matthew McConaughey. That was before Dallas Buyers Club and Interstellar of course. Now McConaughey has earned his Hollywood stripes as a serious actor and here we are, recommending you watch The Sea of Trees. McConaughey plays depressed Arthur Brennan who decides to take a trip to Aokigahara Forest (also known as Suicide Forest) underneath Mount Fuji in Japan. Whilst preparing to end it all, he meets Ken Watanabe (Inception and The Last Samurai) who he befriends before the two truly contemplate their decisions. Certainly one to keep on your radars.
Big Hero 6
It’s almost 2 years since the world was introduced to Frozen, a Disney hit like no other. With continuous re-releases in cinema across the globe and a generation of children that can now recite multiple Disney ballads about Snowmen at the drop of a hat, it is safe to say that Frozen was Disney at their finest. Following the success of Frozen, February 2015 sees Disney bringing their next animated feature length to a cinema near you. Looking to join the plethora of films now bringing comic book superheroes to life, Big Hero 6 is based loosely on an old Marvel comic. The film revolves around a young child genius and his peaceful, loveable robot as they try to save the world. Whilst this film may not have you chomping at the bit to rush to the cinemas, for those gents with children, this is certainly not a bad way to spend an afternoon.
James Bond: Spectre
Following the unbridled success of Skyfall, James Bond is set to be one of the biggest films of 2015. Spectre sees the return of Ben Whishaw as the new Q, Naomie Harris as Moneypenny and of course, Daniel Craig as the legendary 007. Joining the returning cast will be Léa Seydoux (Inglorious Bastards and The Grand Budapest Hotel) and Christoph Waltz (Inglorious Bastards and Django Unchained) as the villain – after his performance as Hans Landa, this is something that has us very excited.
Behind the camera, Sam Mendes has returned to inject his stylish and thrilling directing style, setting Spectre (American Beauty and Skyfall). Expect exotic locations, fast cars and one particular cocktail in November.

Ex Machina
Gents, it is not often we get the opportunity to write about big sci fi films from the UK, so it is with utter joy we get to include Ex Machina into our list. This sci fi psychological thriller is the directorial debut from writer Alex Garland, who has provided us with such joys as The Beach and 28 Days Later. The film centres around Ava, an AI with a desire for freedom. Just as you would expect about a film exploring the notion of artificial intelligence, there will questions surrounding ethics, existence and love. Even better is that this is set to premiere in the next few weeks.
The Hateful Eight
Last but in no way whatsoever least, comes the next feature length film from that iconic of directors, Quinton Tarantino! The Hateful Eight is Tarantino’s Eighth films and his first following Django Unchained. The prolific film director has stated that this will not be a sequal to Django Unchained, and instead focuses on eight characters as they engage in the fight of their lives. With the likes of Samuel L Jackson – of course – Kurt Russel, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Micheal Madsen, Tim Roth and more set to appear in the film, it is looking like this late December release may be the perfect Christmas present for every gent out there. Whilst it is safe to assume what a film with the title ‘The Hateful Eight’ directed by Quinton Tarantino is likely to consist of, for those that may have missed his last seven films, expect gore and witty, macho banter galore.
Let us know what films you are excited about this year and any recommendations we may have missed or ignored.