Dr Fright’s Halloween Night this Halloween
A night of terror induced horrors awaits!
As gentlemen, we are supposed to be brave, chivalrous and courageous. Think of the modern day man as a knight of olde, except instead of a suit of armor, we wear suits of Armani. The principles are still the same. Whether it is taking in all the shopping bags from the car in one trip, regardless of the plastic cutting into your fingers, or battling that ferocious spider that has managed to invade the home, we gents are never one to shy from a challenge. On Halloween however, for the past 5 years, an event has come to Northamptonshire that is capable of testing even the bravest of gents. In October and November, the sleepy town of Earls Barton is overrun with all manor of scares, screams and terror. We are of course, talking about Dr Fright’s Halloween Nights.
Now normally the only thing that gets us terrified is when we find a button is becoming precariously loose on our favourite blazer, however Dr Fright’s Halloween Night is certainly within a league of its own. The event runs from the 17th October to the 1st November with the 20th being the only night excluded and takes place at Whites Nurseries in Earls Barton. For those of you who have never been to Dr Fright’s Halloween Night, allow us to explain what it is you are getting yourself in for. The night consists of horror film inspired mazes which you must navigate through. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, when we say horror movie, we mean horror movie. Dim, dark lighting; terrifying visual and sound effects and live actors that truly make you question some of their sanity. Therefore we feel as your humble, gentlemanly advisers, we must provide you with some warning; if you are planning on trying to impress your better half by confidently breezing through these mazes with your head held high, be sure you are prepared for there is always the risk it may be you clutching onto her arm as she walks you through. Such is the level of realism at each attraction, with every aspect of the inside of each maze tailored to evoke the highest pitches of screams that you can muster.
For those of you who have been before and feel you know what you are in for, we have some more news. The whole event this year is taking place indoors. For the gents that have frequented the spooky Earls Barton farm in previous years, you will undoubtedly appreciate the gravitas of this as October is by no means renowned for being the driest of months. For this simple fact, our brogues thank you.
Can you survive all four mazes?
This year will feature four hideously entertaining mazes, with each serving up as much gore, surprises and genuine fear as we have come to expect. Whether it is being hunted by demons in ‘The Woods’, strolling through the hilly billy hellhole that is ‘The Grindhouse’, slipping your way through the underground death rave that is ‘Depraved’ or taking in the abandoned and haunted ‘Devil’s Dollhouse’, there are plenty of chances to show off your macho bravery. Or conversely, a plethora of chances to reveal your terrified and whimpering side.
Muster all courage and head down
After five years, the folks at Dr Fright’s Halloween Nights have promised that this year will be the biggest and most terror inducing event yet, and we thoroughly suggest you join us in attending. As mentioned above, the event does not do half measures so to avoid permanent, horror based scarring, the minimum age to attend is 15 and above. The gates open from 7pm each night and the last admission is 10pm, with the attractions closing at 10.30pm. The bar area – where a drink to calm the nerves is certainly not a bad idea – is open until 11pm.
Ticket information can be found online at www.drfrights.co.uk/ticket-info and prices start from £14.50. We look forward to running in terror from you then – also should you happen to see some very dapper dressed gents in a corner shaking and crying uncontrollably, we would ask not to judge us.
White’s Farm, Clay Lane, Earls Barton, Northampton, NN6 0EP